Display Ads: Adaptive Streaming Delivers Seamless Performance

by | Dec 31, 2024 | Ad Network | 0 comments

Interactive Ads are delivering top-quality results nowadays. A survey has determined that ads with a creative approach attract more viewers than traditional ads. Display Ads are one of the most evolving ads format these days.

Our adaptive streaming provider team has explained the process of How Performoo can upload digital advertising content instantly, at the best possible quality.

1. Minimum Load Time For the Creative Ads

Display Ads demanded that the consumer download all of the creative onto their device before it is displayed. But, when you use the right technology based on adaptive streaming, ads can be loaded quickly. More people view ads per display with minimal negative impact on site performance, enhancing audience engagement and visibility . Performoo’s technology stops data transmission when ads are out of view, ensuring efficient resource use and improved performance. It means there is no additional load time and no conversion rate drop.

Minimum Load Time For the Creative Ads
Minimum Load Time

2. Compatible with all operating systems

Ad viewability mainly depends on its placement. Our adaptive streaming technology ensures optimal display across all operating systems, devices, and browsers as soon as the ad becomes visible. Our technology guarantees that the ad has the highest level of compatibility, which results in higher views and better campaign performance.

Research suggests that 93 % of marketers plan to integrate video marketing into their plans for the year ahead. There’s a further reason to make sure that adaptive streaming can deliver ads that are video-friendly for each and all devices.

Compatible with all operating systems
Compatible with all operating systems

3. No Sizes Limit on File :

As the popularity of rich media grows and the ad business is back to creative and exciting methods of engaging viewers, we’re looking to offer creators the maximum possibility of creating stunning ads without worrying about the size of their files.

This is why Performoo adaptive streaming lets advertisers display ads of any size. This allows us to serve customers with the maximum amount of pixels possible and at the highest quality.

We use a unique advanced transcoder to trim ads by removing unnecessary data that doesn’t enhance the user experience or affect the user’s plans.

4. Certification Needed for All Ad Networks:

Adaptive streaming systems (and, in fact, every tech vendor that is part of the ecosystem) must be certified to all of the top ad platforms and networks, as they allow their customers to make ads available via their usual ad servers and have availability of the ads they require.

We strictly adhere to data protection laws. Performoo respects privacy by not relying on cookies or personal information for advertisements. Our technology is secure and ethically sound, making switching to our platform a breeze.

Certification Needed for All Ad Networks
Certification Needed for All Ad Networks

5. Server Integrations with Actionable Metrics:

Advertisers can access all performance metrics for display ads on their usual server, but all platforms that offer videos of any type will also provide additional, valuable data on video performance to improve the effectiveness of campaigns. They could provide video starting with quartiles, completion rates, and starts.

Performoo can help increase your targeted public’s precision with its various identification methods.

The process is optimized by enhancing both the creative aspect of an advertisement and execution to ensure the highest efficiency in the final mile. 

This means that Performoo cuts down on data waste by 40% compared to operating the same campaign with conventional methods – another reason to believe that advertising’s future is streaming-able.